Insignificant Things: You Came, As a Baby


You could have bowed the heavens low,

split the skies- to from fro,

hailed yourself as king by right,

fortified by military might.

But you came,

as a baby.

You could have commanded angels-all,

to proclaim below to us, the small;

had rocks and trees shout Your name

so belongs to You such fame.

But you came,

as a baby.

You could have ruled with fist and force

all of history to end its course,

nations pinned beneath the glory

of your fame and power’s story.

But you came,

as a baby.

Silently, enshrouded in womb

You came when we all said “no room.”

You invite us all “be still, embrace

The one, who brings unending grace!”

And still, you come,

As a baby.

You enter in, so quiet and near

Beckon softly “do not fear,”

You call our names and grab our hands

You make soft noises, not demands.

And still, you come,

as a baby.

You knock on heart doors, with love- not blame

You do not threaten, condemn, or shame.

You give new hope, new joy, new life

And loosen us from toil and strife.

And still you come,

as a baby

You ask “just hold me, close to your heart,

welcome me in, embrace a new start.

I won’t break down walls, I’ll just enter in

I’m ready, receive me, and I’ll free you from sin.”

And just as you are, however it seems

In stable or manger, dirty or clean

He’ll meet you and smile,

Give His unrelenting love

Unmerited, but chosen from above

Receive Him, embrace Him

Love Him whole-heartedly too

He has come as a baby

To know and be known

by You.