New Life

small succulent pots.jpg

Oh the majesty and mystery

Places unseen, dark and buried down

Beneath hardness and winter 

Hidden away

And at the breath

At the whisper

At the stirring of Your presence

All that is within bursts forth

Liberated to flourish

Dazzling and timely, perfect in beauty

Colour and scent and wonder

All that has been underneath


You speak and song pours out.

Songs of laughter and giggling from silence

Splits open wide the hardened soil

bursting up and out

Flowing over and filling up empty space

Dazzling, magnificent and joy-ful

Abundant green

Propagating, proliferating, reviving

O Soul, created

Nothing is forgotten, or abandoned

Or lost under the weight of earth

He is near, and at His voice, and in His way, and in its season

He will bring all to life once more

Death will not have the final say

No, at the sound of His voice and by His spirit



